Communicating with Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Communicating with Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Communicating with emotional intelligence allows us to practice empathy, boost stronger working relationships, and learn from and value co-workers. But how does one communicate with emotional intelligence?

“It is very important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence, it is not the triumph of heart over head — it is the unique intersection of both.” – David R. Caruso, Emotional Intelligence Skills Group cofounder

What is EQ?

In 1990, psychologists John Mayer, Ph.D., and Peter Salovey, Ph.D., published research that showed EQ was vital to understanding a person’s overall intelligence. They defined EQ as “the capacity to be aware of, control and express one’s emotions, and handle interpersonal communication wisely and empathetically.”

So, not only does someone with strong emotional intelligence understand and manage their own emotions, but they also recognize others’ emotions and use that ability to guide behavior and decision-making.

Can EQ be Learned?

In Harvard Business Review’s article “Leadership That Gets Results”, Daniel Coleman, author of Emotional Intelligence and Working with Emotional Intelligence, writes, “... the skills of emotional intelligence can be learned at any age. It’s not easy, however. Growing your emotional intelligence takes practice and commitment. But the payoffs are well worth the investment.”

What are the Benefits of Communicating with Emotional Intelligence?

6 Ways to Communicate with Emotional Intelligence

In today’s world, because cross-cultural team members are globally dispersed and span more generations than ever before, the complexities of interactions and how communications are perceived and expressed are substantially magnified. Communicating with emotional intelligence is more important than ever.

Effective communication involves being clear, direct, and concise in our messaging, actively listening, and adapting communication styles to fit the needs of the situation. Emotional intelligence is an important key skill that builds effective relationships. It also affects the quality of work we produce and the relationships we build as team members. Communicating with emotional intelligence lays the foundation for future business leaders who are well-equipped to face communication challenges. Here are 6 different ways to communicate with emotional intelligence:

#1: Be Self-Aware

Being self-aware is the highest level of emotional intelligence and involves regulating our emotions and being able to respond to the emotions of others in a professional manner. Relationships in the workplace are affected by how we manage our own emotions and our understanding of the emotions of those around us. Ineffective communication or lack of open, authentic discussion can lead to resentment, frustration, conflict, misunderstanding, anxiety, uncontrolled stress, burnout, and affect overall well-being. The ability to be self-aware impacts communication capabilities in both one’s personal and work life. Being self-aware is the first step toward building emotional intelligence.

Here are several tips for how to build self-awareness:

Ways to strengthen one’s EQ in self-awareness:

“When awareness is brought to an emotion, power is brought to your life.” – Tara Meyer- Robson, award-winning author and mind-body-life translator

#2: Actively Listen

Active listening is being fully present. This will keep conversations focused and on-point. By doing so, we can understand others on a deeper level and reach more favorable outcomes.

The benefits of actively listening are many – from building stronger relationships through trust and respect to showing we value others’ perspectives and experiences. This then encourages others to be open as well.

Here are several tips on how to actively listen:

Ways to strengthen one’s EQ in actively listening:

#3: Be Socially Aware

Social awareness is the ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Being socially aware is important when it comes to motivating and engaging others.

Here are several tips on how to be socially aware:

Ways to strengthen one’s EQ in social awareness:

#4: Be Authentic

Authenticity is being true to your personality, beliefs, and values regardless of the pressure to act otherwise. When we’re more transparent, we become more effective communicators and express ourselves better.

Here are several tips on how to be authentic:

Ways to strengthen one’s EQ in being authentic:

#5: Be Optimistic

Optimism is hopefulness and confidence about the future or a successful outcome. Communication will flow easier and be more productive when the future is brighter, and team members feel a sense of positive outcomes.

Here are several tips on how to be optimistic:

Ways to strengthen one’s EQ in optimism:

#6: Refine Soft Skills

Soft skills are sets of abilities that reflect how well a person gets along with others around them and how well they’re able to identify and address problems. When one thinks about soft skills training topics, what comes to mind? Listening. Coaching. Feedback. Collaboration. Conflict Management. Resilience. What do all of these have in common? Communication and emotional intelligence!

Research shows successful communication and negotiation are closely linked to high levels of EQ. People with low levels of EQ may react defensively in stressful situations and cause conflict. Individuals with higher EQ have refined the skills needed to be able to communicate effectively without confrontation or anger.

Employees with higher EQ are more likely to approach conflict resolution collaboratively. They will work with other employees to reach a mutually acceptable outcome.

These skills don’t always come naturally but they can be taught. And everyone has room to improve. Taking soft skills training will help strengthen employees’ communication and EQ skill sets.

HSI Can Help

HSI offers businesses a wide array of training videos that encompass every soft skills topic one could imagine. From managing stressful situations to improving empathy in the workplace to navigating your emotions, HSI is dedicated to providing the most comprehensive and useful eLearning resources for forward-thinking professionals.

If you would like to learn more about HSI, request a free trial of our HSI LMS.

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