Distracted Driving Awareness

Enjoy watching this safety tip!

Today's safety training topic is Distracted Driving Awareness.

Distracted driving is a dangerous epidemic on America's roadways, and April is distracted driving awareness month.

43 states have banned texting while driving.


...more than 3,000 lives per year are lost and hundreds of thousands are injured in distracted driving crashes.

This is a hot topic that affects both our professional and personal lives.

So what can you do in order to help keep your attention on the road?

  1. Stop using cell phones while driving
  2. Recognize that hands-free devices offer no safety benefit
  3. Understand the dangers of the cognitive distraction to the brain.
  4. Tell others about the dangers of cell phone distracted driving
    • Especially if you’re a passenger and the driver is busy using their phone.

Going a few hours without checking your cell phone isn’t going to kill you, but answering a call or text while driving just might.

We hope you gained a safety training skill today. Until next time, stay positive and stay safe.

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