Don’t Forget the Human Element of Your Safety Program

As the landscape of construction, manufacturing, and utility sectors evolves, this eBook underscores the importance of whole-person safety in addressing the unique challenges and complexities of these industries. In this comprehensive guide, find five practical yet highly impactful steps to reevaluate work environments, effectively bringing human-centered safety to life within these organizations.
- Rethink topics for toolbox talks
- Get managers, leaders and supervisors involved
- Demonstrate caring through small actions
- Dedicate time to on-site wellness
- Create a feedback-friendly atmosphere
This eBook transcends the traditional discussions of safety revolving around machine guarding, hazard identification, and compliance. Instead, it delves into the realm of comprehensive, whole-person safety. This resource unveils a new approach to reduce injuries, cut costs, foster quality and efficiency, all while ensuring employees feel comfortable and proud of their work.
Also, hear from Todd W. Loushine, Ph.D., PE, CSP, CIH, a former OSHA compliance officer and current EHS manager and associate professor at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, as he helps shed light on the imminent changes in the field. It highlights the industry's shift towards whole-person safety and cites noteworthy developments, such as its incorporation into safety best practices by Associated Builders and Contractors, discussions by the Center for Construction Research and Training, recognition by the National Institutes of Health, and even the establishment of degree programs dedicated to whole-person safety.
Discover a fresh perspective and actionable steps to elevate safety in your organization.