Hand Washing

Enjoy watching this safety tip!

When you think about washing your hands, you probably don't think of it as a safety training topic, however, throughout the day, everyone comes in contact with people, surfaces and objects accumulating germs on hands.

By doing so, you can infect yourself and spread these germs by touching your eyes, nose or mouth or other objects such as doorknobs and other surfaces.

Washing your hands using soap and clean, running water, improves hand hygiene and can help prevent the spreading of germs to others.

Here are some examples for when you should wash your hands:

Here are some safety training tips on good techniques for washing your hands:

Sometimes clean, running water is not available; so what do you do? Any available water and soap is better than doing nothing.

Maybe you’re in a situation where soap and water are unavailable; what should you do? Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is a good alternative.

Remember, that an easy way to avoid spreading disease is as simple as washing your hands.

Until next time, stay positive and stay safe.

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