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According to OSHA, failure to control hazardous energy accounts for nearly 10 percent of serious accidents in many industries. Safety training is essential here.

Hazardous energy comes in various forms, including electricity, steam, high pressure water, and mechanical energy.

Hazardous energy can be unpredictable, and it presents risks when handled improperly. To prevent accidents and injury from the release of hazardous energy, electrical workers need to be knowledgeable in lock/tagout procedures.

Lockout/tagout is the process of preventing the flow of any type of hazardous energy into equipment an employee may be working on. Lockout/tagout procedures are often implemented in instances where a machine needs to be shut down for repairs or cleaning.

Lockout is the use of a lock to prevent equipment start-up.

Tagout is the placement of a tag on an energy source to serve as a warning to not operate the piece of equipment.

If an energy isolating device is capable of being locked out, the lockout system should be used. If, however, an energy isolating device is not capable of being locked out, a tagout system should be used.

Here are procedures for controlling hazardous energy through lockout/tagout:

Remember, your safety doesn’t just affect you, but your co-workers and loved ones too. Thanks for watching.

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