Compare eLearning Providers
Compare eLearning Providers
We want to give you the info you need to compare eLearning providers. There are hundreds of companies that offer eLearning training videos and learning management systems.
There are many similarities between HSI and our competitors, including lesson topic libraries, industry awards, mobile-ready microlearning videos, and cutting-edge technology. We are focusing on a few key differences. You can link to the pages below to see a side-by-side comparison of each eLearning company.

HSI vs. LinkedIn Learning
From authoring tools to client/marketing collateral to help engage learners, find out all the differences between ourselves and LinkedIn Learning.
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HSI vs. BizLibrary
From regular content updates on down to quick implementation processes, learn the differences between us and BizLibrary as a content provider.
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HSI vs. SkillSoft
From a greater emphasis on microlearning training to a much more simplified content administration process, check out the differences between us and Skillsoft.
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HSI vs. SAP Litmos
From pre-built competency-based learning tracks to not having to getting our HSI LMS for free with the purchase of our off-the-shelf content, learn all about the differences between us and Litmos.
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