Embracing Workplace Diversity

Embracing workplace diversity tops the list as one of the most discussed and well-researched of all the challenges HR departments are up against. Diversity is also one of the most misunderstood, sensitive, and anxiety-provoking topics.
What does it mean to work toward a more diverse workforce and an inclusive work environment? Working toward this goal is simple in concept but complex in execution. The challenge involves the acceptance and inclusion of all employees of all backgrounds in leadership and on teams, and in decision-making processes, in career advancement, in workplace best practices, in professional development opportunities, and in fostering a culture of respect and belonging.
Key Groups to Consider in Diversity Initiatives
What key groups of employees need to be considered when companies plan their diversity strategies? In the past, discussions of diversity almost always revolved around women and race. There is much more to consider:
- Ethnicities
- Gender identity
- Religious backgrounds
- Socio-economic status
- Sexual orientation (LGBTQ+)
- Career experience and education
- Generations (Boomer, Gen X, Millennial, Gen Z)
- Learning styles (visual learners, auditory learners, etc.)
- Interests (career goals/corporate ladder climber vs. paycheck)
- Personality types (DISC types, introvert/extrovert/ambivert, etc.)
- Disabilities (physical and mental neurovariations, including autism, Asperger’s, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, Tourette syndrome, etc.)
The Benefits of a Diverse Workplace
When thinking of a diverse workplace, there are many employee differences to account for. Numerous studies, including McKinsey & Company research, have shown objective and measurable benefits of having a diverse and inclusive workforce. The benefits go beyond having different perspectives, fresh ideas, and unique insights on how to solve today’s workplace problems.
Benefits of a diverse workforce include:
- More open dialogue
- Finer competitive edge
- Better decision-making
- Increased revenue growth
- Refined innovative solutions
- Elevated employee experience
- Strengthened strategic advantage
- Enhanced supportive environment
- Greater access to a wider and top talent pool
- Improved employee job satisfaction and retention
“Companies that embrace diversity and inclusion in all aspects of their business statistically outperform their peers.” - Josh Bersin, global industry analyst and author focused on the global talent market and trends impacting business workforces around the world
So, Workplace Diversity Has Benefits—Now What?
Acknowledging these benefits is just the first step toward the real challenge. How do senior management, HR, and L&D business leaders bring all these diverse employees together, manage them, and empower them in an inclusive environment? How do all employees begin viewing differences not as an obstacle but as an asset?
To help companies in the process, HSI released a white paper entitled "Preparing Organizations for the New Age of Diversity." This content serves as a crash course in the basics of diversity — what it is (and isn't), why it is needed, and how to begin meeting this key challenge.
HSI understands the important need for a guide when talking to HR professionals about diversity training. The majority understand the importance of workplace diversity, but many have questions about the most effective ways to bring inclusion to their workforce in a deeper, more meaningful way.
Some companies never think of diversity beyond the hiring process. Some do, but only to fulfill HR compliance training requirements, such as anti-harassment learning pathways. Others are interested in topics such as leading diverse teams but do not know where to find the most up-to-date content. A handful of companies go as far as creating a scorecard to track gender diversity in leadership positions and executive teams, along with the ethnic background of job seekers. HR leaders must continue to recognize and continue to strategize on the fact that an inclusive environment can positively affect the company’s reputation.
HSI’s whitepaper, "Preparing Organizations for the New Age of Diversity," helps to fill knowledge gaps, offers insights in looking at diversity in a new way, and provides a path to company’s diversity initiatives. Here’s several tips to find power in diversity:

Foster a Diverse Workplace with Mutual Respect
While diversity feeds innovation and creative problem solving, it can also create differences and misunderstandings among employees. Getting teams to be their best requires fostering mutual respect and understanding. For example:
- Employees with different communication styles will, naturally, communicate priorities differently, which may cause a mismatch in setting goals and managing workflows. Leaders should find ways of effective communication, such as how to standardize how priorities are communicated. Solutions could include a project management system, like monday.com, or daily stand-up meetings.
- Employees from different ethnic or socioeconomic backgrounds might have different interpretations of workplace policies and expectations. HR leaders should make sure best practices and expectations are stated explicitly and make this part of the onboarding process.
- Employees might come to the table with preconceived notions about various ethnicities, genders, or sexual orientations. Train employees in effective collaboration and active listening to help in fostering mutual respect. Mutual respect starts from the top down. Employees will start to model the behavior of inclusive leaders in both their language and actions when they see their leaders in action.
Listen to Employees’ Diverse Perspectives
Employees are a wealth of information when it comes to building an inclusive culture. Try surveying a sample of employees with different backgrounds. Or invite a group of employees with diverse backgrounds to participate in a focus group to share their thoughts and ideas on the company culture.
The survey results may find that some employees feel uncomfortable as a minority, negatively affecting employee engagement. There may be friction in the company that has not been brought to the attention of leadership. And the company may already have allies who are sympathetic to a more diverse workplace, but they are not sure how to proceed.
Listen to what the employees are saying or sharing. It's amazing what kinds of insights organizations can learn. The employees’ answers and comments will point toward where leaders need to start on their path to diversity and inclusion. HSI has an Anti-Racism: Learning to Listen and Listening to Learn course that takes a deep dive into this process.
Start Building a Shared Language
Conversations about diversity can make people nervous. Not only are employees being asked to understand and include people they might not know well (or even have a bias against), but they may be put off by perceived “political correctness” or preconceived ideas about what diversity even means and entails.
Go slow, define key terms, and start building a new way of talking about these issues. Finding a shared language helps cut through those preconceived notions and equips both managers and employees to engage each other thoughtfully and respectfully.
A great place to start in building this shared language is with the company’s own core values. For example, companies can promote their company values in town halls or on posters through the office. Core values typically are messages like: “Respect for the individual,” “Trust one another,” and “Honest communication.” By talking and thinking about interactions in terms of values, it’s easier to “be on the same page” when it comes to diverse teams
Help Train Leaders Who Can Lead Diverse Teams
Do company leaders understand and foster workplace empathy among team members? Do they know how to improve employee social awareness through workplace empathy? Do they understand how biases work and are they expected to gain awareness of their own bias? Do they take the time to understand the diversity of their teams? Are they taking training on topics such as active listening, non-verbal social cues, and conflict management?
Leaders must work with managers to help them learn how to embrace the diverse cultural backgrounds and life experiences of all employees. They should also encourage HR teams to cast the hiring net wider to attract underrepresented groups, people of color, and other minority groups. It's imperative to make a concerted effort to attract more diverse candidates.
Work to Increase Employees' "Diversity IQ"
Inclusive behaviors don’t come naturally to everyone. People typically group together with people who are similar to them. This practice leaves the “only ones” feeling excluded and without a sense of belonging. For example, the only woman on a team might be left out when the men on the team go to lunch together. All employees should be taught about their unconscious bias so they can step out of this unintentional exclusive behavior.
A person’s “Diversity IQ” is a way of recognizing that people are in different places when it comes to navigating workplace diversity. Inclusion can begin to happen when it is intentional.
HSI Can Help
“Diversity and inclusion needs to be something that every single employee at the company has a stake in.” - Bo Young Lee, Uber's head of diversity, equity and inclusion, and culture transformational leader
Organizations can begin to change behavior through effective employee training. HSI’s multi-modality article and video-based, off-the-shelf content library can help you build a tailored course of study to increase your workplace’s overall Diversity IQ. A sampling of courses covering DEI, unconscious bias, leadership, and communication skills include:
- DISC Training
- Unseen Similarities
- Overcoming Unconscious Bias
- Hurdling Innovation Roadblocks
- Anti-Racism: Maintaining Momentum
- Diversity and Inclusion Starts at the Top
- Anti-Racism: Colorblindness Doesn’t Work
- Equity in the Workplace: Equality vs. Equity
- Neurodiversity: Working with Neurodiverse People
- Working Well with Everyone: The Power of Inclusion
- Anti-Racism for Leaders: Evaluating Your Organization
- Anti-Racism for Leaders: Diversity-Focused Recruitment
For a course preview, explore some of HSI’s diversity training videos.
For more information on the best way HSI can help, request a consultation.
Remember..."A lot of different flowers make a bouquet." - Islamic Proverb