Instructor-led Training
Enhance your training program with instructor-led training
Whether you’re looking for NERC certification, continuing education hours, or hands-on training for equipment maintenance, our instructor-led training is developed and delivered by knowledgeable SMEs. Our trainers have years of experience in the industries and roles the training is developed for.
You can choose from public classes on our training calendar or schedule a private class designed for your personnel.
Training Calendar
NERC CEH Training Topics
HSI offers instructor-led continuing education hours for NERC-certified operators with a variety of topics. All CEH courses include simulation hours on our proprietary simulator.
We build our training around adult learning theory, ensuring it conforms with NERC's systematic approach to training requirements. HSI instructor-led training takes the burden of certification maintenance off your training team, so they can focus on your organization’s specific training needs.
CEH courses include:
- Adequate Level of Reliability
- Analyzing and Mitigating Contingencies
- Balancing, Voltage Control, and Congestion Management
- Communication, Relay Protection, and Emergency Operations
- Emergency Operations and Communication
- Emergency Operations Overview
- Frequency Response and Balancing with Simulation
- Human Performance for System Operators
- Integrating Renewable Energy Resources
- Managing Power System Reliability
- Power System Frequency Impacts and Control
- Principles for System Reliability
- Real Power Balancing and Congestion Management
- Relay Protection for System Operation
- System Restoration with Simulation
- Voltage Control with Simulation

Meet A Few Of Our Trainers
Train the Trainer
Training your trainers is as important as training your workers. The foundation of a successful training program begins with implementing a Systematic Approach to Training (SAT). Our train-the-trainer program focuses on SAT and includes a comprehensive curriculum to ensure your trainers know how to effectively develop and deliver training to develop reliable personnel.
Our train-the-trainer curriculum includes:

Instructor-led Technical Training
HSI’s instructor-led technical training covers power industry distribution operators.
Topics include:

Live NERC Coaching
HSI is committed to helping students find success in passing the NERC exam. Our instructor coaching
sets us apart from other programs. Instructor coaching is available
for one-on-one guidance as needed. Our NERC Trainers can analyze a
student's exam preparation history and recommend a path for success
based on an individual's knowledge and experience. Students can take
advantage of regularly scheduled office hours to ask questions and
clarify topics as needed.
Every Friday
Join NERC Instructor-led Coaching Call:
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Passcode: tv2MRs
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