HSI Acquired ej4 in 2021
ej4 is doing business as HSI
Ej4 joined the HSI family in January of 2021. The ej4 content expands HSI’s offering in the employee training and development solution marketplace. Our award-winning training videos, Thinkzoom LMS (now HSI LMS), and custom content services are still available under the HSI brand.
You can find the ej4 content in HSI’s employee training and development solution.

View our available video categories
In 2004, ej4 was founded with the goal of replacing long, boring, and ineffective training. We offer creative, short, video-based eLearning that can be viewed anytime, anywhere. We don’t want to replace trainers and instructors. We want to work with you to ignite the potential in your employees.
Do your employees roll their eyes when you launch a new training course? Is that eye-roll accompanied by a groan? We hear you. Our courses are different. They are creative, engaging, and sometimes funny. Our unique style combines traditional instructional design with adult learning theories. They are delivered via the contemporary video design your learners expect.
That’s what the 4 Js in our name stands for. Our content is just as needed, just enough, just in time, and just right.
We also offer a unique learning experience with our modern LMS, Thinkzoom. It’s simple and intuitive. It offers access to training at any time, on any device. And when you purchase our off-the-shelf content, you get our LMS free!
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