Effective Communication for System Operators
Course overview
Effective Communication for System Operators training helps power professionals understand the connection between communication and the electric utility industry. By improving communication skills, system operators can enhance company efficiency, increase personal potential, and help prevent errors in their company. This communication training includes NERC standards COM-001 and COM-002.
Topics include:
- The communication process
- Three-part communication
- Communicating for compliance
- Communication barriers
- Maintaining communication during emergencies
- COM-001 and COM-002 overview
Learning objectives:
- Define the process of effective communication and state the importance of effective communication for system operators
- State and execute the proper steps in three-part communication
- List NERC’s expectations related to communication
- Identify Operating Instructions and Operating Protocols
- Identify barriers to effective communication and state strategies to reduce and eliminate those barriers
- Demonstrate effective communication during emergency situations
This class is:
This class can be combined with others to make full day or multiple day classes.
All HSI CEH classes combine instructor lecture with a variety of simulation scenarios.
All CEH classes are private. Classes must be a minimum of two days. HSI reports all earned CEHs to the NERC SOCCED database. Learning objectives may change based on class length.