Emergency Preparedness and Operations Standards
Course overview
This NERC CEH training provides an overview of the NERC EOP standards which require an understanding of the fundamentals of power system frequency, balancing, voltage, contingencies, and restoration. Once the EOP training class has discussed the standards, our proprietary power industry simulation is used to demonstrate how they apply in emergency situations.
Topics include:
- EOP standards
- Normal and emergency conditions
- Emergency events
- Power system frequency and voltage impacts
- Power system disturbances and emergency conditions impacts
Learning objectives:
- Apply NERC Emergency Preparedness and Operations (EOP) Standards
- Identify emergency conditions
- List events that constitute an emergency
- List impacts to power system frequency
- List impacts to power system voltage levels
- Assess and solve power system disturbances/emergencies using the HSI Electric Grid Simulator
This class is:
This class can be combined with others to make full day or multiple day classes.
All HSI CEH classes combine instructor lecture with a variety of simulation scenarios.
All CEH classes are private. Classes must be a minimum of two days. HSI reports all earned CEHs to the NERC SOCCED database. Learning objectives may change based on class length.