System Restoration with Simulation

Course overview

In this NERC CEH training class, students identify possible causes of a system blackout and learn system restoration methodologies. System Restoration covers the four issues likely to occur during system restoration and discusses human performance concerns and how to address them. Using our proprietary power system simulator, students demonstrate how to restore a power system from start to finish and correctly manage voltage and MVAR during restoration. Students also learn the mechanisms for frequency control during restoration.

Topics include:

  • System blackout causes
  • Restoration methodologies
  • System restoration
  • Voltage and MVAR management
  • Frequency control

Learning objectives:

  • Identify possible causes of a system blackout
  • State system restoration methodologies and strategies
  • Identify likely issues during system restoration
  • Recall human performance concerns during system restoration and tools to address them
  • Demonstrate how to restore a power system from start to finish (using a simulated power system) including the following:
    • Assessment of system conditions
    • Planning the restoration
    • Dead bus clearing
    • Restoring critical facilities
    • Expanding electrical islands
    • Combining electrical islands into larger islands (synchronizing islands)
    • Restoring load and observing the effects it has on frequency
  • Demonstrate how to correctly manage voltage and MVAR when restoring a power system by considering the following principles and design issues:
    • Charging characteristics of lightly loaded lines and cables
    • Ferranti rise of open-ended transmission lines
    • Strong and weak source buses
    • Reactive capability of generating units
    • Use of reactive resources such as generators, shunt reactors, and transmission configuration
  • Demonstrate the mechanisms for frequency control during restoration, including system inertia, generation governor control, and load shed

This class is:


This class can be combined with others to make full day or multiple day classes.

All HSI CEH classes combine instructor lecture with a variety of simulation scenarios.

All CEH classes are private. Classes must be a minimum of two days. HSI reports all earned CEHs to the NERC SOCCED database. Learning objectives may change based on class length.

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